What Is The Over And Under

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Reasons to Avoid Over/Under Shotguns

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The bet might be over/under 165. If the total number of points scored by BOTH teams is over 165, the over bet wins. If the total is under 165, the under wins. Usually, the points will be in half points to prevent ties (Over/Under 165.5). It also lets us see that 'S' is less than 10 (by 'jumping over' the 'L'), and even that 0. If you are over-billed, your P&L will reflect too much profit; if you’re under-billed, it will reflect too little profit. Changes in projected costs, meanwhile, can result in profit fade. For example, suppose you are working on a one-year, $1 million project with projected expenses of $800,000.

By Randy Wakeman

A lot of people write suggesting that they want an Over/Undershotgun. Many don’t know why, exactly, except that they have been told thatthey are a good idea. We all “like what we like,” of course. Some peopleprefer apple pie to cherry and vice-versa. I like them both. There arefundamental issues with stackbarrel shotguns that are rarelydiscussed. Perhaps it is time, maybe well past time, to take a look why an Over/Underdouble-barrel shotgun may not be a good choice for you.


Although “accuracy” is not generally thought of the same waywhen pointing patterns on birds rather than putting cross-hairs on game,real-world accuracy comprises many factors. The single sighting plane of a pumpor semi-auto has the same benefit as the O/U (compared to a side-by-sidedouble). How much that really means is up to you, of course.

No matter what double-barrel shotgun is under consideration,none of them shoot to the same point of impact at all ranges. They never haveand they never will. Whether a side-by-side or an Over/Under, the barrels arenot parallel, but set to converge their patterns at some point downrange (usually 40 yards). Somecurrent models are close and some are not so close. Fortunately for many cheapO/U sellers, most of us never bother to pattern anyway, so no one will ever know.

Barrel convergence, even if precisely set at a known distance, can never be more than an approximation. Change the pellet size in your shell,change the total pellet weight, change the muzzle velocity, and the exteriorballistics of your patterns change in concert, for better or for worse. If wealways shot the same shell at a target at the same range, it wouldn’t matter,assuming our shotguns were regulated at that range and with that shell. Theyaren’t, and that is where pointing error creeps in. Double rifles fail as longrange hunting tools for similar reasons. (Of course, unlike rifles, shotguns are short range firearms that shoot a spread ofshot, so a properly regulated double gun is sufficiently accurate for allpractical purposes, including winning Olympic Gold Medals. -Ed.)


There is no doubt that a fixed breech shotgun (pump, bolt,break-open, etc.) pounds you harder than a gas operated semi-automatic. Thereis nothing about the action that absorbs recoil, lengthens its pulse, or takesthe edge off it in any way. Rather than the standard 1-1/8 oz. load, 1 oz. andeven 7/8 oz. 12 gauge loads have found favor with O/U shooters. It isn’tbecause they are more effective loads; they simply kick less. Unfortunately, aspellet count goes down, you have a thinner pattern. The only reason to use lessthan 1-1/8 oz. of shot in a 12 gauge gun is that you can’t take the pounding. Manypeople can’t and won’t. Rather than take the pain, they settle for less pattern.I can’t say I blame them.

The negative effect of recoil on the shooter is cumulative. It is increasingly important in high volume shooting, such as trap, skeet, pass shooting doves, or when payloads are upped for pheasant and waterfowl.

As long as we put stocks beneath barrels, guns will tend torecoil upward. Two barrels on different planes won’t have the same recoil feel; the“over” barrel results in more muzzle flip because of geometry. An O/U cannotrecoil identically from first to second shot and it doesn’t.

Contrary to some ad-copy, recoil pads ameliorate the effect of recoil on the shooter, but do not actually reduce recoil and are not a cure-all. We have reduced felt recoil by 53% (in print) for so many consecutive years with just recoil pads that we should be careful not to get suckeddownrange by the reverse thrust generated hypothetically, if not in actuality, by the wonders of marketing. The most efficient way to actually reduce recoil is to increase gun weight. Preferable scattergun weight will always be a personal choice. What isn’t a choice is recoil increase per pound of weight reduction—where fixed breech guns invariable lose.


You might be surprised at the notion that O/U’s can beclumsy to use; that goes against the marketing hyperbole that suggests O/U’sare automatically wonderful handling guns. Naturally, like most ad-brags, thisis hardly a universal truth. It may be far from it.

Guns that have to broken open to load can be clumsy in aduck blind and slow to load in the dove field. It is no fun to have to move leverswith frozen or wet hands. It is quicker (if not more elegant) to continuouslyfeed shells into the bottom of a pump or semi-auto when doves are flying fastand thick than to stop shooting to break a gun in half.

Part of the ponderousness of many modern stackbarrels is a function ofno-tox loads and screw-chokes. Steel shot produces far more stress on themuzzles of guns than lead. So much so that the CIP has introduced new standardsfor shotguns to bear a “Steel Shot Proof” mark. This has resulted in thicker andheavier barrels than ever before. Naturally, the extra barrel mass rears itshead not once, but twice in double guns. The touted liveliness of the older,short range game guns is largely gone in steel proof, screw-choked barrels. Toget the weight down again, one way is to remove a barrel. Though dedicatedsingle shot trap guns have their following, the single shot field skeet,sporting clays and field guns have either no or low appeal. It is far easier toreduce the weight of magazine tubes and receivers in pump and semi-autorepeater than to fight with double barrels, although there are “super-light”O/U’s that make heavy barrels seem heavier and increase recoil to another levelof discomfort.


Some may balk at the notion of reliability problems in adouble gun, but it is nothing new. All firearms wear and require maintenance.Galling wear of an O/U receiver is a certainly without proper lubrication andyou have a more complicated trigger mechanism (that may or may not have equaltrigger pulls) and two firing pins to break instead of one. Krieghoff makessome beautiful shotguns, as most are aware. The service fee at this writing fora K-80 is $225; for a K-32 it is $295; parts and shipping are not included.

If you own a Krieghoff (or any gun), regular service may beone of the best investments you can make to protect your investment and insurereliability. Most shooters are not completely comfortable with “checking thegun for headspace, overcock, proper tolerances of internal parts and completedisassembly and replacement of springs as needed.” Few, if any, are capable ofa “full rebuild” including headspacing, TIG-welding as required, rebluing thenrefitting the barrels to the action. (Equallyfew users are capable of performing the same or equivalent repairs to a repeatingshotgun. -Ed.) While few low priced O/U’s are worth rebuilding, a Krieghoffis. It takes far more than casual use to wear one significantly, of course, buteven the annual maintenance fees are more than many shooters feel theirshotguns are worth. Often, double barrels get scant little maintenance at all. (Neither do most repeaters. -Ed.)

Most pump-actions and gas autos are easy to maintain. I’veput 100,000 shells though a B-80 with no major parts replacement, and there aremany examples of 870’s, BPS’s, 390’s, Browning Golds and A-5’s out there withno more maintenance than the usual springs, bushings, and perhaps (in the caseof an A-5) a couple of bronze friction piece replacements. (I've never had to replace ANY of the parts in my doubles, the eldestof which is well over 100 years old. -Ed.) As a practical matter, nofundamentally sound shotgun is any better than the appropriate maintenance itsees or the quality of the ammo you feed it. It is easier and cheaper to keepmany pumps and semi-autos running well than doubles.


The third shot may not be of any importance in clays games whenlimited to two, but it is far easier to drop three doves with three shots thanwith two. The nut behind the butt accounts for a lot of things, but the appealof the two-shot rifle, the two shot revolver and the two shot autoloadingpistol remains nil. It seems odd that the shot capability found to be of greatvalue in all other sporting arms suddenly vanishes when shotguns and wingshooting is the subject matter.


Many popular O/U guns tip the scales at, or in excess of, 8pounds. In fact, the lighter O/U's are criticized as being too painful to shootfor regular use on the clays courses. The gauge of the gun is not a reliableindicator of weight, either. Sure, there are whippy, flyweight 20 and 28 gaugeguns out there. They are the reason that your 20 gauge O/U can pound you intothe ground like a tent stake with heavy loads, resulting in more punishmentthan a substantial 12 gauge gun. Some of the “joy to carry” guns are tragicallyuncomfortable to shoot.

Light weight has its appeal, of course, but that can befound regardless of action type. A new Browning Silver 20 gauge gas operatedsemi-auto is a 6-1/2 pound gun, more or less. A day of dove shooting with oneounce loads in a Silver won’t wear me out, but with a double of similar weightit will, and has. There is a reason that some dainty doubles wear slip-onrecoil pads . . . they need it. Certainly, super-light guns can be foundregardless of action type. The Benelli Ultra Light weighs just over six poundsin 12 gauge or five pounds and change in 20 gauge. Unfortunately, as far as I’mconcerned, such guns are the opposite of smooth swinging and comfortableshooting.


Mid-range quality O/U’s (Beretta / Browning) cost a lot morethan their pump gun competition and significantly more than many goodsemi-autos from the same makers. A family can be outfitted with 870’s and BPS’sfor a fraction of the cost of quality O/U models and mid-line gas-autos, thoughsignificantly more expensive than equivalent pump guns, are available at a farmore attractive price point than the better O/U guns.

Shotgun choice remains personal preference and a matter oftaste, like most things. Before you jump to the conclusion that an O/U is theright choice for all applications and all seasons, you might want to considerthat for many it is just not very desirable for the reasons stated here.

25 years
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24 years
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Vaccinated! 💉 Pick me! I’m safe
30 years
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To get over a person, you need to get under one.

'Man, you're still not over your ex?'
'Yea so'
'Well you need to get over and under.'

over-under - meme gif

over-under - video

Over-under - what is it?

A perseverance over somethingunpleasant.

'To us, the title Over The Under means we’re over all the negative stuff, we want to move forward.'
-- Kirk Windenstein

What does 'over-under' mean?

Someone who achieves the extra unecessaryachievements, but does them in a half-ass fashion.

Patrick decided to be an Over-Under Achiever when he went the extra mile to do his extra credit, even though he already had a 103 percent in his english class. This project was done in a very UNorderly fashion. The rough draft write-up ended up having its title 'rough draft' erased and then replaced with 'Final Project'.
22 years
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Curvy girl 👩 looking for a decent conversation and a relationship!
25 years
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Need a man 🦸 who will treat me right in and out of the bedroom!
26 years
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Over-under - what does it mean?

When one guy puts his dick underneath another guys Dick from behind, and positions them in a way that resembles an over under shotgun.

What Is The Over And Under On The Spread

“Hey bro wanna make an over under shotgun on this urinal?”

Over-under - meaning

When a girl farts and queefs simultaneously, placing one hand 'over' her vagina, and the other hand 'under' her legs, on her ass, both in a cup-like position. When said girl farts and queefs, she moves her cupped hands from a closed to open position, thus creating a loud 'Over-Under Thunder.' This act is common when girls have pajama parties.

Cindy: Uh-oh! I have to fart and queef at the same time! What should I do?
Stacey: You should cut an Over-Under Thunder!

Over-under - definition

A shot of NyQuil dropped into a glass of rockstar. Like a jägerbomb but with NyQuil instead of jäger.

Me and the boys are dropping some over unders tonight.
28 years
Your city
I love to push my boundaries 😉 in the bedroom
30 years
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29 years
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Happily married just looking for a bit of fun 🥳

Over-under - slang

Over Under is a bathroom stall challenge where you must enter a public restroom and piss a clean stream over the divider to the neighboring stall, then lay down on the floor and bend your piss stream, under the divider, into the same neighboring stall. Over Under has recently been taken up by the speedrunning community. 100% runs of Over Under start when the stall door is locked and are disqualified if as little as a drop of piss hits the divider wall (This is known as Walling Out). If one Walls Out they still must complete the run by laying down in a puddle of their own piss and completing the Under portion of the run. If a speedrunner successfully avoids Walling Out their time ends when the stall door opens. Video evidence must be submitted to the forums with any Over Under speedrun

Hey whats your PB in Over Under?
My OU PB is 22.5 seconds.


What Is The Over And Under Betting

She’s so over under


What Is The Over And Under In Sports Betting

Fingering a girl thru her pants and/or underwear

She wasn't letting me get in there, although I got a green light on the over-under so it kept me interested...


if your don't want to touch the person you are stuck sleeping with and there is two blankets and one bed. One person goes under one blanket and the other goes on top of the blanket next to the other person with a blanket over themselves. Super safe way to ensure no funny business in the sack.

Straight person 1: Well, were stuck sleeping on the cot again.
Straight person 2: At least theres two blankets so we can over-under.