Stop The Dice Game Cheating


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Games You Play With Dice

There are a number of ways to cheat at the game of craps. Using fixed dice is one of the oldest methods of cheating at dice games and there are a number of ways that players can manipulate the dice. Basically, the main idea is that the dice get altered in some way so that when they are thrown, they land on specific numbers more often than others. The empty dice look reasonably fair. We computed a 94% chance of those 480 rolls as coming from completely fair dice using the Chi-Squared method. That’s pretty good for the rough surface of a 3D printed die! The two smallest magnets (3/16” B333 and ¼” B444) may have affected the results, but aren't conclusively cheating. Bohemia Interactive discusses the difficult, expensive, often controversial task of combating cheaters. Money is power, you often hear, and yet for years Valve Corporation and all its billions was. The black, gold, and smokey like pearl mixed in always reminds me of the Skyrim Load screen. Anyway, the cheat dice in the set roll just as good as any other dice. Really with your D20, it only prevents you from rolling a 1, and doubles your odds of rolling a 20 from 5% to 10%. It is quite obvious cheats are available and being used on Microsoft Backgammon. Use any search engine and you will find them. Play the game enough as I have, and you will observe the cheating in real time. When a player leaves mid game, which is often, the computer takes over for them and the computer cheats even worse!

The Dice Game

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1. 'Google Meet' OLGA (for gamers) voice meeting every SUNDAY night (new day) at 9 PM Eastern time. Here is a link to the 'Google Meet' OLGA meeting Room: 'Google Meet' OLGA meeting room

2. 'Google Meet' OLG-Anon (for family members) voice meeting every SUNDAY night (new day) at 9 PM Eastern time. Here is a link to the 'Google Meet' OLG-Anon meeting Room: 'Google Meet' OLG-Anon meeting room

Hope to see you there! Click here for more information about these meetings - 'Google Meet' meeting Information If you have questions about the meetings or getting into the meeting or want to talk, call Reggie, the chairperson at 314-709-8092. He will assist you.

3. 'ZOOM' voice meeting for Gamers and family members on MONDAY evening at 7:30 PM Eastern time. Here is the link to the 'ZOOM' meeting: is the chairperson for the OLGA meeting and Leavenwoman is the chairperson for the OLG-Anon meeting. Private message them if you have questions.

4. On-line chat meeting for parents held THURSDAYS 9 PM Eastern Time. Go here to go OLGAnon Meeting Chatroom. (You must be logged in to enter the OLGAnon chatroom).

Click here for all Face-to-face meeting locations

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Our FIRST Outreach for On-Line Gamers Anonymous® book: “Your Son Did NOT Die in Vain” is now available. This is the story of what was behind the creation of OLGA. Click here for more information and to purchase this book.