Baccarat Result Tracking Analysis

Baccarat trends are recorded on ‘roads’, which are pictorial representations of the results and trends of the shoe so far. The roads help players quickly assess the history of the game, identify trends and attempt to predict future results. There are five standard roads. In a live, fast-paced Baccarat game, a forming pattern can give you an idea of the likelihood of whether a shoe is strong Zigzag streak, strong Banker and/or Player streaks or one of the other two trend types. Although microanalysis can be misleading, don’t allow uncertainly to put you off. Aug 03, 2020 Where the Specific Sports Rules do not specify how and on what basis a market will be settled, markets will be settled on the official result of the relevant governing body regardless of any subsequent disqualification or amendment to the result (except if an amendment is announced within 24 hours of the initial settlement of the relevant.

Unknowingly 'Baccarat After winning formula 'has been written off for almost a week. I received a lot of encouragement during my post, e-mail, so I think there's friends, most studious, tireless. I hope they read Fung's presentation, Their techniques will help.


Mr. Feng Yun is a smart guy, he knew in Casino Combat is not hard touch with the dealer's. 'Wildly increase the stakes' is one of the most failed action Usually gamblers. Fung In view of this, he only uses two straight cable, the maximum bet only two base code.

Some people want to beat Baccarat mathematical calculation, this possibility is little reason: no matter how you design the essence of mathematics, one when the stakes go to vote, you will have 'victory' or 'negative' Two possible example: with 1, 2, 4, 8 straight cable, every shop win, there may be a revenue base code, but we can not win the disc counting the interests of each of our betting shop , there is about a 50% probability to lose. If we lose, it is a method to increase the stakes, it is sure to lose the more bigger, it is wise do not take.

Usual math people, often underestimate the probability of losing may cause errors such as: cable in four straight years, the probability of losing is 1/16, or 6.25 percent, some people will be naive enough to think: will play one hundred shop lose 6 shop, cable break chance is very small, afraid of? but played baccarat people will have experience to know the cable break occurs at any time, hard to detect, and sometimes is continuous mathematical terms only the probability of the emergence of opportunities closer to the rate of only occur when many times.

I remember some time ago I taught a friend go to the casino with a flat note striving hard, stop-loss position is ten shop, each shop lost a base code, that is, the probability is that he lost 1/1024, or 0.098%. If the illuminated surface Look, he bet 100 times nor will all lose 1 to 10 base code, but Baccarat is impossible to estimate from a mathematical perspective, the day he came back and told me he was a total of 20 shop straight sets, total lose 20 base code, I counted a meter, or 1/1048576 probability is 0.000095%.

Mathematics tells us that the probability is very difficult to lose, but Baccarat has easily do ye not surprising that this odd?

Anti Buy

Baccarat Result Tracking Analysis Template

Under any circumstances, we need to buy on the anti-anti-buy, but still dark in order to buy the main positive (except compartment Heat Team).

Anti-buy when the original (n buy) should raise when you want to add, when the former to stop, to stop.

After the second stop losing streak, when recording to the original formula (n buy) only won three times, then the formula positive reply from trans buy buy Again positive return over use.

Anti-buy for the first time (shop) with a flat note, if the first (shop) that is lost, immediately stop, and then observed at least twice, a total of at least three times to stop. At this time, although not betting, but do record the heart Suppose still betting until when to see win, only then formally Betting (eg still not win, bet on the delay, can not irritable).


Zhuang (first spread village, the main objective buy Trang)

Blazing (idle stop) Busy (the other three opened, so filling with the fourth shop to buy)


Busy (emergence - - + - -, contrary bets, should be added to the increase should stop then stop.)


Blazing (where the original formula lost 1, 2, but did win the trans-1 + 2 = 3)

Zhuang (Since the original formula lost two shop, so this shop to stop)



Chapter 5: Betting formula formulas

1. A Founding, see open-what, with buy-what;

2. fired by sudden billing, immediately transfer target;

3. To lose a buy two, lose two namely stop a shop;

4. The 'lose, lose, win, lose, lose' or 'four straight sets' use all formula contrary, should stop by the stop;

5. The four open even see with the buy-what-what;

6. Even after opening the other three, filling with buy;

7. The two sides are billed to the first billing dominated;

8. Heat Team four times after the interval, with the buy, but not anti-buy.

Please keep in mind the above items.

Remember: Each win three injection immediately close hand, play another new station.

Using 'PLAY Law', contrary to the formula used, and so on so will be losing hand into a winning result, so that we will greatly increase the chance of winning long-term so that this method can be invincible!

This is the perfect place to mix formula with 'PLAY Law', and the stakes with little, because people will not lose a lot of money and irritation, but will not lose all the capital in one breath --- --it's out of the question!

This is the safest bet, you may not lose all of the capital, unless you send nerve, once all the costs to buy it, if you do, I can only wish you good luck.

We gamble, not to gamble or bet on a temporary shop, we want to gamble are:! I, I want to bet money, I want to win money, must not be to gamble!

If you bet on a shop, do not have to use the formula, close my eyes, the blind will bet a shop card, win-lose it, you must remember:! Do not gamble, not greedy, not too fast Now that we have mastered the biggest advantage! , you can slowly win, add up, develop savings habits, without long, you can get rich it!


Since the 'Baccarat winning formula' log out, I received a lot of support and encouragement to my e-mail, in addition to very grateful to them, but I promised them that some of the full set of 'winning Cheats' open up, so that all users have the opportunity to Feng first to appreciate the works.

I am a loving person study gambling skills. Read a lot about Gambling Books, but also learn a lot of methods of gambling, of which there are many ways are good, workable, I would be happy to introduce to a friend. Bad, unworkable, I will truthfully tell them, advised them not to use the wrong Methods.

?. You can bet on whether the winning long-term answer is yes, but on condition that: You must go through the proper learning and training someone will ask me: Since you say you can bet winning, why you can not rely on gambling became a millionaire, endless pleasure, still see you every day to stay in Haiyan net muck, it's not a good proof: you are a big loser it?

My answer is very simple: I go to the casino, not by luck winning luck who can gamble with rich overnight, but there may be poor when they become depleted night my luck winning method. , is the use of lead in my cut Heqing, so every win is not a lot. When I'm behind I buckled down, step by step to win back the lost money. I was brought up it was already a professional gambler, casino 'Wen Shi,' understands the casino to operate as much as possible to be 'invisible man' is the long-term survival of the road at the casino.

Yesterday, I said, 'data' Some mathematics, is misleading us. Just think, only 0.000095 percent chance rates will lose, my friend actually spread easily lose twenty straight sets to go. We can say the winning, or or negative rates, should be subject to the results of a single shop, for example: betting busy village, every shop should do a unit, must not be in three or four shop shop as a group, using those what Martin (Martingale) method to Big Bo little exaggerated to winning, in fact, deceive yourself of miles!

If I say to you, my method, 90% can be winning, should be in the 100 betting shop, I can do the Wynn which 90 shops, is 90% of the true meaning can win. But if I said to you My method, there can be higher than 98% winning percentage, however, to within six shop must win one shop job, to win, you only win one base code, the loser will lose 63 base code. So I The method is just a fun way to lie and carry on.

Another method can be misleading, may not know is that gambling 'repeated law.' For example casino opened village, busy, busy, Zhuang Zhuang, leisure six shop license, someone came up with a 'smart' way, hope 'Regulations' casino opened this result is repeated once again. In his mind, this is a very high degree of difficulty.

In fact, the punter to do so and without the slightest priority, this repetition of probability, it is only 1/64, so please those who love gambling laws repeat, not wishful thinking to think: see out of the village, busy, busy, village Zhuang, leisure, buy anti, free, Zhuang Zhuang, busy, busy, village, thinking that the casino will 'create' some difficulties, this is not true.

Chapter VI: How to win the pot of gold

If we bet this is sixteen thousand yuan. To do a basic two hundred yards, that is, we used to say in a note. Each station won three NOTE daily play four sets in the casino (time not for too long, to maintain law awake, do not fatigue), the daily income of two thousand four hundred yuan (Maori).

Ten times a month to go to the casino, is twenty-four thousand yuan (Maori, because excluding transportation costs, meals, casino pumping).

Baccarat Result Tracking Analysis Sheet

$ 24,000.00 (profit) + $ 16,000.00 (bookie) = $ 40,000.00, plus twenty-four thousand yuan in the hands of sixteen thousand yuan, that is a total of four million.

Forty thousand yuan divided into eighty note for five hundred yuan a note. $ 40,000.00 / 80 = $ 500

Each note still win three, four play daily, daily income of $ 6,000 a month is sixty thousand yuan.

$ 60,000.00 (new profit) + $ 40,000.00 (bookie) = $ 100,000.00 sixty thousand yuan plus forty thousand yuan capital is one hundred thousand yuan.

One hundred thousand yuan divided eighty Note, $ 1,000 as a note, the daily income of twelve thousand yuan, has one hundred and twenty thousand yuan a month income, and so on.

Does not require fast, to add up. This is how we go step by step. Do not delusional Day win thousands. That is unrealistic.

This formula has been tested by me before, but also the practical application of thousands of times, it has been proved that more than ninety percent success rate.

Please do students must rule according to the formula. Can not try to be smart, casually change the rules, otherwise the consequences.

We must strive to practice in the home, until cooked tame Not familiar with those, do not hurry, slowly continue to practice at home, by a strange turn since'll tame cooked, can be cooked in a clever student. Thank you.

Ye Tianlong brother:

Glad you gave me in terms of anti-bought a very valuable advice. Relevant at a disadvantage, should anti-buy, indeed there are two opposing views of the mainstream.

In favor of people think that since the wind is the reverse of the card, then go to the opposite of his own style of play, they can in turn would have to lose to win office are turned, the wind turned into the wind. This is generally when people use anti buy a subjective desire.

Against people, mostly due to highly failures, I am afraid for reverse buy, brand wind was followed reversed, like the formation of a 'kill' power. Therefore, they oppose the anti-buy, advocated maintaining the status quo , a Palestinian from the left and right palm pain.

In fact, the reason the two parties are held fully Since baccarat out of the results unpredictable, good times or bad wind kept changing brand, is never able to move with a counter-buy on the problem can be solved.

Fung anti-buy, in addition to the target shifted outside, still kept records maintained a positive formula used to buy, not only suspend one to three shop approach as a buffer, but also have a positive record shop to buy a win after three Now back to the original goal continued after the war, so more flexible tactical flexibility, which may be compared with the use of anti-bought a trick act.

Of course, the idea leaves brother also have sufficient justifications. How to choose, or by a brother leaves you decide!

Each formula has a specific corresponding Fung of play, but he also set a rule, is to use his style of play, if the first paved lose, indicates that this road may be unreasonable, it is necessary to stop a stop, the formulas used to be seen to win a shop, and then continued the war. So, to find those formulas more complete 'Achilles heel', there is a certain degree of difficulty!

Available we talk about it. We want to help one another in the case, and will improve our baccarat play better.

Ben brother:

Hello? 'Baccarat winning formula' is written Fung Originally answer your questions by him is the most appropriate, but I believe he is no empty answer your question, which I had to answer you on his behalf, good ?

You ask, accompanied by 47 shop brand, which is 7 shop and office, and the remaining 40 shops, should be less than a shoe shop cards out of the total number, I guess, right?

For the convenience of explanation, I put you to my village busy recording plus numbers for identification:

1. X

2. OO


4. O

5. XXT


7. X

8. O


10. OT

11. XX

12. OOOT

13. XXXX

14. O

15. X

16. OO

17. XX

18. O

19. X

20. OT

21. XXX

Through observation, we can see there the following formula in this shoe brand in:

(1) Even after opening the billing 2, 46, 8 12, 14 16, 18

(2) The two parties fully open single 7, 814, 1518, 19

(3) Heat Team four compartments 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 14, 16, 18

(4) '- - + - -' or '- - - -' No

(5) four times without even opening

(6) the other party even opened three no (because every other Heat Team formula)

(7) Reverse buy no legal or PLAY

After analysis, we bet, as follows:

<<- : Feng Yun works: 'Baccarat winning formula' strongly recommend betting guide !!! [seven]

->> : Feng Yun works: 'Baccarat winning formula' strongly recommend betting guide !!! [five]

  • Appendices
  • Baccarat Analysis
  • Miscellaneous


Baccarat is a game steeped in superstition. The vast majority of players keep careful track of the shoe history, either on paper or with the aid of screens that show every hand since the shoe began. There are various ways of recording this information. The companies that market the screens that display the shoe history present it in various ways, according to the most popular methods of trying to define patterns.

Before going further, let me give my usual comment on notation. When referring to an actual bet, I use capital letters. When referring to the player playing the game, I use lower case. I invite the rest of the world to follow this convention, to help avoid confusion.

For those who don't know me, let me take a moment to say that all this effort at trying to predict the next hand is a waste of time. For all practical purposes, the odds are the same for every hand, and the past history does not matter. Now before the perfectionists out there write to me, yes, I know if you had the use of a computer, a card counter could make computer-perfect decisions according to the composition of the remaining cards, which would very rarely result in an advantage on some bets. However, that is not what I'm talking about it. I'm saying that trying to find a pattern in past Player and Banker wins is as useless as predicting the next color in roulette (on a fair wheel) according to past reds and blacks.

Although I personally don't play baccarat, I have wondered for years about some of the tables in those displays of the shoe history. The staff at the Venetian has been very helpful in helping me understand, so that I may enlighten the rest of the world. So, with the introductions out of the way, let's get started. Here is a picture of a typical sign, seen at the Venetian. There are various components of display, which I will address individually.

How to Read Them

Bead Plate

This section above is called the 'bead plate.' It used to be that players could buy a tray with cubes with sides noting Player, Banker, and Tie wins. Wins are recorded as follows:

  • Blue = Player win
  • Red = Banker win
  • Green = Tie win

The player starts in the upper left hand corner and makes his way down. When he reaches the bottom row, he moves over one column to the right and back to the top row.

Big Road

The next section, pictured above, is called the 'Big Road.' This primarily keeps track of Player and Banker wins. Tie and pair wins are also noted with slashes and dots. To be specific, a tie is noted with a green line through the previous Player or Banker win. A Player pair is noted with a blue dot in the lower right corner of the hand it occurred in. A Banker pair with a red dot in upper left. In the interest of simplicity, in this example there were only Player and Banker wins.

Much like in the Bead Plate, the player starts in the upper left, as well as marking Player wins in blue, and Banker wins in red. However, instead of a solid circle, with a Chinese character in the middle, the Big Road has only the blue and red outlines of circles.

Unlike the Bead Plate, in the Big Road the player starts at the top of a new column with each change in Player and Banker winning. Note the grid is six rows deep. In the event there are seven or more consecutive Player or Banker wins, the results will move to the right, creating what is known as a dragon tail. In this example that never happens, as there was never more than four consecutive wins on the same side.

Big Eye Boy

With the next table, it is no longer so obvious what is going on, and it is here where I started to need help. As mentioned before, baccarat players are a very superstitious bunch. While the strategies they use to find patterns can be a complicated topic, one basic truth is they like predictability and repeating patterns. For example, if the last 12 hands were BBBPPPBBBPPP, I would bet that everybody at the table would bet on the Banker the next hand. Note how wins happen in groups of three. The Big Eye Boy table is useful in gauging how repetitive the shoe is. Red entries are a sign of repetition, and blue entries are a sign of a chaotic, 'choppy' shoe. It is important to note that in the Big Eye Boy table, blue and red are not associated with Player and Banker wins, as they are on the previous two tables.

The first entry in the Big Eye Boy table is the hand after the first entry in the second column of the Big Road, so that there is enough information to judge if a pattern is developing or not. Here is where the air starts to get thin, so pay attention. Every entry in the Big Eye Boy table, as well as the next two tables, will refer to a specific entry in the Big Road. Each entry in the Big Eye Boy is recorded as follows:

  1. If the hand in question causes a new column in the Big Road, then compare the previous two columns in the Big Road. If they are the same in depth, then record a red circle in the Big Eye Boy. If they are not, then record a blue circle.
  2. If the hand in question is the same outcome as the previous hand (skipping ties), then compare the cell to the left of the newly created entry in the Big Road with the cell directly above that one. If these two cells are the same, whether both Player, both Banker, or both blank; then mark a red in the Big Eye Boy. Otherwise, mark a blue.
    In other words, consider the latest entry in the Big Road. Then, move one cell to the left. Then, move up. If the move up does not result in a change, mark red, if it does, mark blue.

In the event the Big Road forms a dragon tail, for purposes of the Big Eye Boy as well as the Small Road and Cockroach Pig, assume that the Big Road is infinitely deep, and ask yourself what would have happened under that assumption.

Note that if the Big Road consisted entirely of an alternating pattern of x Player wins with x Banker wins, then the Big Eye Boy would be entirely red.

To help with this part, I explain below every entry in the Big Eye Boy table that follows. I put the results in Excel so you could refer to the exact points in the grid I'm referring to.

For example, the first entry shows cell A1 on the Big Eye Boy table. This corresponds to the same hand represented in cell C1 of the Big Road table. Since cell C1 is the beginning of a new column, we check if the previous two columns are equal in length. They are, so we color the Big Eye Boy red for cell A1.

Big Road

Big Eye Boy

Big Eye Boy — Play by Play

Big Eye Boy CellBig Road CellColorReason
A1C1RedColumns A and B equal in length
B1C2BlueB1 and B2 don't match
B2D1BlueColumns B and C unequal in length
B3E1BlueColumns C and D unequal in length
B4E2BlueD1 and D2 don't match
C1E3RedD2 and D3 match
C2E4RedD3 and D4 match
D1F1BlueColumns D and E unequal in length
D2G1BlueColumns E and F unequal in length
E1HIRedColumns F and G equal in length
E2I1RedColumns G and H equal in length
F1I2BlueH1 and H2 don't match
F2J1BlueColumns H and I unequal in length
G1J2RedI1 and I2 match
H1J3BlueI2 and I3 don't match
H2K1BlueColumns I and J unequal in length
I1K2RedJ1 and J2 match
I2K3RedJ2 and J3 match
I3L1RedColumns J and K equal in length
I4L2RedK1 and K2 match
J1M1BlueColumns K and L unequal in length
J2N1BlueColumns L and M unequal in length
J3N2BlueM1 and M2 don't match
K1N3RedM2 and M3 match
L1O1BlueColumns M and N unequal in length
M1O2RedN1 and N2 match
N1P1BlueColumns N and O unequal in length
O1P2RedO1 and O2 equal
O2Q1RedColumns O and P equal in length
P1R1BlueColumns P and Q unequal in length
Q1S1RedColumns Q and R equal in length
R1S2BlueR1 and R2 don't match
S1S3RedR2 and R3 match
T1T1BlueColumns R and S unequal in length
U1T2RedS1 and S2 match
U2T3RedS2 and S3 match
U3U1RedColumns S and T equal in length
U4U2RedT1 and T2 match
V1V1RedColumns T and U equal in length
W1V2RedU1 and U2 match
W2W1BlueColumns U and V unequal in length
X1X1BlueColumns V and W unequal in length
Y1Y1RedColumns W and X equal in length
Z1Y2BlueX1 and X2 don't match
AA1Y3RedX2 and X3 match
AB1Z1BlueColumns X and Y unequal in length
AB2AA1BlueColumns Y and Z unequal in length
AB3AA2BlueAA1 and AA2 don't match
AB4AB1BlueColumns Z and AA unequal in length
AB5AC1BlueColumns AA and AB unequal in length
AB6AC2BlueAB1 and AB2 don't match
AC1AC3RedAB2 and AB3 match
AD1AD1BlueColumns AB and AC unequal in length
AD2AE1BlueColumns AC and AD unequal in length
AD3AE2BlueAD1 and AD2 don't match
AE1AE3RedAD2 and AD3 match
AE2AE4RedAD3 and AD4 match
AF1AF1BlueColumns AD and AE unequal in length
AF2AG1BlueColumns AE and AF unequal in length
AG1AH1RedColumns AF and AG equal in length
AG2AI1RedColumns AG and AH equal in length
AG3AJ1RedColumns AH and AI equal in length
AH1AJ2BlueAI1 and AI2 don't match
AI1AJ3RedAI2 and AI3 match
AJ1AK1BlueColumns AI and AJ unequal in length
AJ2AL1BlueColumns AJ and AK unequal in length

Small Road


The next table, in the bottom left of the display, is the 'Small Road.' The Small Road works exactly like the Big Eye Boy, except it skips the column to the left of the current column in the Big Road. To have enough information to go on, the Small Road must wait until the entry after the first entry in the third column of the Big Road. Here is exactly how the Small Road is recorded.

  1. If the hand in question causes a new column in the Big Road, then compare the first and third columns to the left of the new column in the Big Road. If they are the same in depth, then record a red circle in the Small Road. If they are not, then record a blue circle.
  2. If the hand in question is the same outcome as the previous hand (skipping ties), then compare the cell two cells to the left of the newly created entry in the Big Road with the cell directly above that one. If these two cells are the same, whether both Player, both Banker, or both blank; then mark a red in the Small Road. Otherwise, mark a blue.
    In other words, consider the latest entry in the Big Road. Then, move two cells to the left. Then, move up. If the move up does not result in a change, mark red, if it does, mark blue.

The Small Road in the sign pictured was too big to fit in the grid, so the first four columns dropped off. They would have been BBRRBR.

Cockroach Pig

The next table, in the bottom right of the display, is 'Cockroach Pig.' The Cockroach works exactly like the Small Road, except it skips two columns to the left of the current column in the Big Road. To have enough information to go on, the Cockroach Pig must wait until the entry after the first entry in the fourth column of the Big Road. Here is exactly how the Cockroach Pig is recorded.

  1. If the hand in question causes a new column in the Big Road then compare the first and fourth columns to the left of the new column in the Big Road. If they are the same in depth, then record a red circle in the Cockroach Pig. If they are not, then record a blue circle.
  2. If the hand in question is the same outcome as the previous hand (skipping ties), then compare the cell three cells to the left of the newly created entry in the Big Road with the cell directly above that one. If these two cells are the same, whether both Player, both Banker, or both blank; then mark a red in the Cockroach Pig. Otherwise, mark a blue.
    In other words, consider the latest entry in the Big Road. Then, move three cells to the left. Then, move up. If the move up does not result in a change, mark red, if it does, mark blue.

Other Statistics

Baccarat Result Tracking Analysis

Finally, the above picture shows the upper right part of the display. The left part shows overall shoe statistics for how often each bet won. This is not a very realistic example, as I put in Player and Banker wins only, for purposes of example. The right part shows what will happen on the Big Eye Boy, Small Road, and Cockroach Pig according to whether the next hand is a Player or Banker win.


Fate in the cards: understanding baccarat trends (part 1) and (part 2) by Andrew W Scott


Thanks to the friendly and helpful staff at the Venetian for suffering my many questions about this topic and letting me take pictures of their sign.

Baccarat Result Tracking Analysis Tool

Written by: Michael Shackleford